Rejection Anxiety: 6 Ways To Handle Job Rejection

Going through a job selection process is an uphill battle. From the initial anxiety built up over waiting for a reply, to either being ecstatic or dejected depending on your results – it’s no less than a roller coaster ride of emotions. Quite often job rejections tend to have a negative impact on us and we start doubting our capabilities and whether we should even continue applying. But it essential to bear in mind that we win some battles and lose some. Rejection is not a failure, but rather a redirection and that you will ultimately reach your destination.

Rejection could happen for several reasons, but one thing is for sure- rejection is painful! But guess what! Every rejection has a lesson to teach, you become a stronger and smarter person, now equipped with tools and wisdom to handle situations better.

So, how to cope with rejection? Read on to know about a few ways you can get through this.

1. Embrace the Rejection

The first step here is to come to terms that yes, you have been rejected. This is especially tough when it is a job that you were hoping for and you wanted. Embrace your feelings about getting rejected and give yourself time to come back into a better mindset to deal with what comes next. Usually, around this period, people start over-analyzing mundane things that might have resulted in them getting rejected and eventually leads to insecurities and doubt. Thus it’s recommended to first accept your rejection since this is the only way to move forward.

2. Move On 

Probably one of the most important steps here is to get over the rejection. No matter what the result, you should realise that whatever happened was not personal. You shouldn’t bear anger towards the hiring manager since competition is fierce out there. If you still feel down about it, go talk it out with someone close to you. Sometimes you want to lash out, but make sure who you’re doing it against, since you always want to keep options open and not burn the bridges. Don’t look at it as the employer rejecting you, but just hiring someone who suited their role better. 

3. Ask for Feedback

Now is the time to look at your performance, analyse it and figure out where you went wrong and what you could’ve done differently. Most people over-analyze mundane stuff, which they feel resulted in them getting rejected. Not only is this pointless but the majority of the employers wouldn’t mind giving feedback and constructive criticism so be sure to ask for it. Take another look at your job application and maybe try to improve it to present yourself in a better way. Try improving the skills and develop new skills that’ll give you an edge over the others.

4. Don’t Stop Your Job Search

Rejection is bound to put a halt to your job search, but make sure you don’t lose the momentum you have built up. Keep applying for other jobs, the options are endless. This will not only build your network but also open up new opportunities. Look for different platforms where you can apply and maybe you’ll find a job that suits you and is better than the one you got rejected from. It might seem tempting to stop a job search as soon as you land an interview, but the key is to never settle until you have got an actual letter stating your employment. This helps you easily move on and not worry about getting rejected as you will always have something to look forward to.

5. Refine Your Job Search

Rejection is not always a bad thing as sometimes it might help you realise what kind of job you are suited to. Using this knowledge filter out your job search. This will prevent any unnecessary applications and rejections. Usually, with rejections, it becomes clear if you’re suited for a job or is it not under your skillset. Consider the role you’re applying for and whether you can see yourself doing that every day. During the initial stages of applying for jobs, be a little realistic and go for the ones best suited according to your qualifications. With time you will automatically understand if your skills can provide you with more intensive jobs and you can thus aim higher by applying for better and higher-paying jobs.

6. Trust the Process

One thing you have to come in terms with is that finding a job in this economy is bound to be a daunting task. So always be ready to face rejection. Know that you aren’t alone and a lot of people go through it. Talk to people who have been in similar situations. With every rejection you go through, you should try and improve your skill set and have a belief that hard work will pay off and you will eventually land that dream job. Many people do start with a similar enthusiasm but with time it tends to wear out. Know that you could get a job right the next day, or it might take six months, the trick is to keep yourself motivated throughout the entire duration.

Getting a job on the first few tries is often unrealistic as everyone needs time to get the hang of how to handle yourself in an interview. With every rejection, you are presented with an opportunity to change and fine-tune yourself. With every rejection, you become a better person. A golden rule is to also apply at companies you don’t necessarily want to work with. This way you’ll build up enough experience for when you do apply for your dream job you will be better prepared to handle it. 

Actively looking for a new job? Make your job applications stand out and get noticed. Sign up with Talent500 and discover premium tech jobs in some of the world’s best companies. 

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