10 common questions to expect during your remote job interview

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According to our talent survey, 45% of professionals prefer completely remote jobs in 2022. If you’re one of them or intrigued by such opportunities, preparing for a remote job interview should be the top priority. While the process remains more or less the same, the type of questions encountered will be based on what you typically wouldn’t consider in the context of a regular job. And for those who are new to the remote workspace, doing some in-depth research into how the model applies to your field and the employer would be incredibly useful. All that being said, here are some of the questions you should consider to prepare for a remote job interview.

Why do you want to work remotely?

This is one of the most likely questions you’d face during a remote job interview. With this question, the interviewer is trying to understand your primary motivations behind choosing remote work. They will be looking at how the reasons why you want to work remotely relate to those of the company. The aforementioned research into the company, especially its values, will be of great use to adequately answer this question.

Describe your approach to time management during remote work?

This question helps potential employers see how you manage time for various tasks, communicate and collaborate with others. Some companies are very structured about what times employees are expected to be available whereas others might be more flexible. How you answer this question will give them an idea of how you would fit into the overall framework of the company. So remember to assess all these factors before answering the question.

How would you describe your workspace at home?

If a hiring manager or recruiter asks about your home office, be as specific and concrete as possible. Firstly, provide clear-cut details on what your work setup is like. Then, talk about the hardware and software in your workspace and how they will help you to do your job productively. During the remote job interview, you may be asked to show your workspace. So make sure your workspace exudes a sense of professionalism and poise before you attend the interview.

How do you plan to establish a good relationship with the remote team?

When you work remotely, it’s easy to feel disconnected from your coworkers and even disenchanted with your job. That’s why it’s important to maintain good relationships with team members, regardless of time zones or distances. When this question is asked during the remote job interview, talk about how you’ve maintained professional relationships in the past. Then, mention the steps you’d take to attain similar results under the remote model. These could include having conversations with coworkers outside of work, providing timely assistance, participating in recreational group activities online, etc.

What steps do you take to prevent distractions when working from home?

The thing most people don’t realize about remote jobs is that it can be difficult to stay focused when at home. Problems like friends calling for a chat, a sink full of dishes, or children at home from school all need to be accounted for. When you encounter this question during the remote job interview, mention all those distractions you could face and the strategies you would employ to avert them.

Have you worked from home before?

Don’t let this question bother you during the remote job interview if you don’t have any prior experience. The mass adoption of the remote work model is still an ongoing process in many countries. Hence it is not expected that you have all the specifics figured out. However, doing research to demonstrate some understanding of the work model in your answer can be reassuring for the interviewer.

How are you prepared for any net connectivity-related issues?

This is one of those questions that is meant to gauge your level of preparation for the role. Since internet access is an essential aspect of remote work, it is expected that you take all the necessary measures to ensure it all goes smoothly. When you get this question during a remote job interview, use it as a chance to show how proactive and intuitive you are. Mention all the alternatives you could use in case of failure such as backup hotspot devices, nearby net cafes, additional WiFi routers, etc.

Would you mind doing some travel for work if needed?

One of the perks of working under the remote model is to cut out the need for commuting to work. Yet, there can be instances when your physical presence is required. For example, an upskilling convention at a specific geographical location that required mandatory attendance from employees. Essentially, the purpose of this question is to see how willing you would be to travel if the situation demands it.

What are the pros and cons for you when it comes to working in an office?

A question like this during the remote job interview might be a test to assess your attitude towards work. Since you would have worked in a traditional office space recently, the chances are you would bring the same work ethic and mindset to remote work. Hence, take care to evaluate how every pro and con you talk about comes across to the interviewer. Don’t sound drab when listing out the downsides of working in an office.

How much supervision would you require to complete tasks successfully?

If you get asked this question during a remote job interview, don’t lose your composure. Answer it honestly. If you need a lot of guidance, or generally prefer to receive detailed directions for projects and tasks, say so. Then explain how you can get what you need from your remote manager and coworkers, such as by scheduling regular check-ins.

In essence, a remote job interview is not radically different from an interview for an on-site job. The level of preparation required is mostly similar in magnitude. The only distinction is taking time to prepare questions regarding the unique aspects of remote work and how it applies to your field. As long as you’ve done your research on those, you’re good to go.

Now that you know the kind of questions to expect for a remote job interview, check out remote work opportunities that might suit you. Visit the official Talent500 website for the latest updates on remote job openings in world-class companies.

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