Author name: Girish

Software Engineering, Technology

React optimization tips for improved performance

An application’s continued success depends largely on the user experience that particular application provides. In order to achieve this, developers invest a good amount of time to optimize an app’s overall performance. This articles explores one specific framework – React. Read on to acquire all the React optimization tips for improved performance.

Software Engineering, Technology

What is Regression Testing?

Writing clean code is one aspect of software development. On the other hand, testing is the building block of quality product development. The two go hand in hand. Many teams nowadays, choose regression testing as their mode of detailed assessment. Explore this article to learn all about regression testing and its functions.


Full Stack v/s specialized developer 2022: The ultimate guide

In the software development industry, the struggle is very real when it comes to hiring a full stack developer or a specialized developer. The general understanding may be that a full stack developer would be more beneficial. In this article, both domains are weighed equally in order to find an answer to the problem that tech employers face today.

Software Engineering, Technology

Top 4 security products for Azure

Whatever service a company takes up, security is one of the key elements that every enterprise seeks for. Microsoft Azure has been in the picture since 2010. Its steady growth over the years only indicates how businesses are using it more and more for its infrastructure. Read this article to gain insight on some of the top security products for Azure.

android, Mobile

4 key steps to become a Google-certified Android developer

Google and Android are two very big names in the technology industry. In today’s world, learning mobile app development not only boosts your career but gives you a golden opportunity to become a Google-certified Android developer. Google has joined hands with Android, forging a direct path to success. Read this article to learn all about key steps to become a Google-certified Android developer and stand out in a crowd of millions.

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