5 Golden Resume Writing Tips for Software Engineers To Land A Fortune 500 Job

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We spend days trying to perfect our resumes, highlighting our most recent experience, top skills, personality attributes, and even fussing over fonts that will make our resume stand out. But, let’s face it, the hiring manager has a bottomless pile of resumes to scour through before shortlisting the potential right fit. A mere 30-seconds is all that’s given to decide whether you will make it to the next round.

So, we are not exaggerating when we say – your resume can make or kill new job opportunities!

As a potential candidate, it is incredibly important to make those 30 seconds count. Here are 5 golden resume writing tips for software & IT engineers to help you build a resume tailored for Fortune 500 tech jobs:

1) Keywords. Keywords. Keywords.

Approximately 1000+ applicants apply for each Fortune 500 job position. So the first level of filtering is done with search algorithms, where over 80% of candidates get rejected because the resume did not consist of relevant keywords.


– Pay attention to the exact keywords with regard to a skill that you want to showcase. For instance, if you’re well versed in React, get more specific about your expertise and the job role (say React.js front-end developer), rather than just stating the framework or technology used.

– After going through the job description, zero-in on the skills, concepts, and technologies mentioned that you are also proficient at. Audit your resume to ensure these skills and concepts are factored in. If it’s relevant to the role you’re applying for, add details about the skills of people in the teams you’ve worked in.


– Avoid stuffing of keywords in your resume. Cramming unnecessary keywords can cause confusion and result in your application getting tossed.

– Remove technical jargon, unless they’re explicitly mentioned in the job description. For example, technical terms and abbreviations that are specific to your previous work might not make much sense to a recruiter reading your resume.

2) Weigh in on your technical know-how

When it comes to Fortune 500 tech jobs, trust us when we say recruiters are looking for some really specific technical skills and expertise. For instance, a particular job position could be open for a Node.js developer, who has 3+ years of experience building APIs in a microservice architecture. Make sure you leverage your technical know-how and experience while writing your resume.


– It is important that you have a section dedicated to your expertise upfront.

– This section must showcase all your relevant tech skills, the ones that the recruiter is looking for.

– Describe the project(s) you have worked on, where these skills, concepts, technologies, and environments were used. Mention your responsibilities and your contributions to the project(s).

– Add the years of relevant experience you possess with respect to the skills required for the job.


– You don’t have to describe skills that are obvious and irrelevant. For example, the recruiter isn’t looking to know how good you’re at using Microsoft Powerpoint or how well you know a language that you studied in high school.

– Do not use exact phrases from the job description, which could set your resume up for rejection by recruiters, even if it gets cleared by the Application Tracking System.

– Avoid using ‘References Upon Request’, it is an overused phrase and takes up unnecessary space.

3) Formatting & quality is essential

The quality of your resume matters, and what sets your profile apart is where you showcase your skills in this piece of document.


– Get your resume structured and organized, with sections arranged in order of importance. As discussed earlier, your relevant tech skills essentially come upfront, along with details on your expertise, your projects, and years of experience.

– You need to fool-proof your resume format. It is always a good practice to share your resume as a PDF, so that the formatting doesn’t get affected.


– Spelling mistakes and grammatical errors are a big let down. Make sure you proofread and correct them before sending it across.

– Do not use too many font styles and sizes. Keep it clean and simple.

4) Length doesn’t matter (as long as you don’t ramble)

The ideal resume is a balance between being concise and being wide-ranging. While you don’t want a resume that goes on for pages, you also should not compromise details over space.


– Be specific, balancing the information showcased with the job you’re applying for.

– You can try using bulleted points wherever possible to make it easier to read.


– Do not divulge too many details that are unnecessary.

– You don’t have to cram all your details within a single page (or two). Avoid clutter and make sure the most important details are clearly called out in your resume.

5) Mention personal and side projects (if any)

Side projects are important too, because they help you assert your creativity, technical skills, and soft skills. It’s one way to indicate that you’re serious and passionate about your career.


– Avoid adding random, unrelated projects that are not relevant to your technical skills.

– Do not reveal confidential information or break the confidentiality policy of your previous workplace. Recruiters often raise these as red flags.

Follow these tips to tailor your resume for Fortune 500 jobs. Once you’re done customizing and editing, all you have to do is send your resume to us.

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