Build a Successful SaaS Developer Career: Essential Skills for Problem-Solving, Security, Compliance, Data Management, and Marketing

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SaaS (software as a service) is here to stay. It is abundantly clear that it is the future for many industrial models, even going as far as to branch out into the XaaS (Everything as a service) model. For developers and IT professionals, this means an entire world of opportunities, but not without upskilling. 

Currently, the SaaS industry is worth north of $145 billion, with an annual growth of 18%. Additionally, its adoption rate is worth noting too, as research found that 99% of companies will employ at least 1 SaaS solution by the end of 2021. 

Besides adoption, there’s better scope for professionals to earn higher incomes too. In India, SaaS firms reported paying salaries that were 30% higher than the traditional IT companies that offer services. Naturally, this is good news for developers but at the same time, it is a wake-up call for those that chose to be non-believers. 

The good news is that, it isn’t too late to get on board. In order to upskill for the SaaS market, developers must focus on skills above and beyond the technical aspects. It will be a combination of product engineering, marketing, management, and even sales to some extent. 

To know what it will take to upskill for the SaaS industry, take a look at the following pointers. 

Problem-solving capabilities

Considering that any SaaS developer worth their salt must be proficient in cloud computing, being able to solve problems is also a prerequisite. Firstly, in order to succeed and provide value, critical thinking is essential as this industry isn’t like the traditional IT space. Due to cloud computing, processes are usually on shorter deadlines and may require hotfixes that go live at the earliest. 

As such, engineers in this field have the required training to be problem solvers. As most developers will be working in teams, solving major issues in a collaborative format will demand ample technical prowess. From process management to design and even security, this skill is of utmost importance. A good starting point would be to familiarize yourself with the various cloud architectures. Being proficient at the commonly used platforms via specialized courses will give you a leg up when it comes to problem-solving. The more adept and knowledgeable you are in working with a given cloud platform, higher will be your contribution to the team.  

SaaS security

With how popular the SaaS model is, it is important that developers pay close attention to security. In fact, data security and its protection are top concerns for most professionals working in this industry and for good reason. Considering that services rely on the cloud, vulnerabilities jeopardize critical and sensitive data of everyone in the system. Naturally, oversights here are usually catastrophic, resulting in costly damages. 

In fact, data published in late 2019 found companies claiming that their employees were a weak spot in their security. So, to avoid being a liability and to ensure that good cybersecurity habits translate over into your work, effort must be made to understand SaaS security. Cybersecurity awareness training is the first step here and is crucial to making it second nature going forward.  

Compliance skills

Sharing similarities with security, compliance is another field that professionals will have to get accustomed to, and learn to work with. Since SaaS positions the offering directly to the enterprise or the end-user, there are data privacy and information security standards that must be adhered to. These may be industry-specific standards, completely fleshed out with a proper framework, or other standards of equal specificity. In any case, it falls onto the developers to know how to work within these norms and ensure that there’s no exposure to non-compliance when working with a vendor.  

Data management

For many developers, data management was just another field that didn’t pique their interest enough to follow full-time. However, with the shift in the landscape to XaaS models, data management can no longer be ignored simply because data is everywhere. Take IoT, for instance, which has several data points requiring a skilled developer to know how to best leverage them for optimal function. 

This includes its storage, accessibility, implementation and auditing. In some cases, data analytics and integration may also factor into the mix. So, to ensure that you’re up to speed and can handle what will likely get thrown your way, getting well-versed in languages like Hadoop and MYSQL, alongside others, may be a good starting point. 

Content personalization and digital marketing

It would be wrong to assume that upskilling for the SaaS industry means honing your technical skill alone. While you will be required to be proficient in popular programming languages and platforms like Python, JAVA, PHP, Linux, and others, employers need more. The job now demands a greater level of innovation as SaaS solutions become part of every mode of operation. For instance, IT specialists are now required to create solutions that work within the organization, automating menial tasks to increase efficiency across employees from different departments. 

So, the task here is for the IT specialist to come with a customized solution that works within the given infrastructure. Besides being able to customize on demand, the SaaS model has a hand in almost every digital service offered. As such, being aware of the key fundamentals of e-commerce, digital marketing, and design may be necessary. Only by understanding key problem areas for such industries will you be able to innovate sophisticated solutions that solve real problems. 

As the SaaS industry continues to evolve, teams that employ such specialists will, as well. It won’t be long before the lines between developer and administrator are so blurred that it becomes indistinguishable to tell the two apart.

After all, this pace of change is why many get into the IT space to begin with. So, embrace it and reap the fruits of upskilling to be part of an industry that is changing how the world interacts with software. To integrate yourself into teams that will be tomorrow’s changemakers, sign up for Talent500

Join the elite global talent network and feature among the professionals destined to make it big. The platform provides you with tools to embark on a #limitlesslearning journey and continue to climb new heights as a professional. Sign up today to leverage opportunities to work with tech leaders across the globe. 

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